The Shadow Theatre of Indonesia
Indonesian shadow puppet
Indonesian shadow puppet theater is called Wayang kulit in Indonesia and it is particularly popular in Java and Bali. Wayang Kulit, the Ind...
Wayang golek (rod puppets)
W ayang golek (Marionette Puppet) is a puppet show of art dolls made of wood, which is especially very popular in the country Pasundan. Wa...
Wayang topeng or wayang gedog or wayang wong
Wayang wong also known as Wayang orang (literally human wayang) is a type of theatrical performance with themes from the kingdom of Jenggal...
Wayang kulit shadow puppets prevalent in Java and Bali
Wayang kulit ,Wayang is an Indonesian word for theatre (literally "shadow") Wayang kulit as seen from the shadow side Wayang kulit...
History of Wayang Kulit
W ayang is an Indonesian word for theatre (literally "shadow").When the term is used to refer to kinds of puppet theater, someti...
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